
November 23rd to 23 weeks!

I should have started this months ago, but I finally decided that I should create a blog about my pregnancy so that our family and friends from far away places can still feel like they are a part of it all!

The beginning...
John and I met in 2000 when we were introduced to eachother by his sister, Carol. We dated for 4 years and on December 4th 2004, he proposed while at the zoo feeding the zebra's (my favourite animal)!!! We decided to have a long engagement and on November 23rd, 2007 we were married in front of 175 of our closest family and friends! Before we were married, we decided that there was no reason to wait to have kids. We started trying right away and it took roughly 3 months for us to get pregnant! Our first baby is due 3 days before our 1st wedding anniversary! Since finding out that we are expecting, we have also purchased (and moved in to) our first house and I have recently bought a more baby-friendly car!!! It has been a jammed packed year, but we wouldn't change a thing!

The pregnant life...
My pregnancy so far has been amazing. I haven't had any morning sickness (knock wood!) and I have been fairly comfortable with my ever-changing shape! My cravings haven't had John running to the grocery store in the middle of the night, but if there is a "Slurpie" near by...LOOK OUT....it's mine!!! Just recently, sleeping is getting more and more difficult because I have a hard time moving around now in bed! And the summer heat is getting to me a bit! I really can't complain though because this pregnancy has been so easy compared to some stories I have heard!

The baby steps...
I first felt the baby move really early on at about 14 weeks. I could feel a slithering in my belly that I had never felt before so I knew it was the baby. On May 23rd, I felt a little kick for the first time. That was a wonderful day because it was also our 6 month wedding anniversary!!! Since then, the kicks have become stronger and now other people can feel the baby move. Now you can actually watch my stomach move when the baby kicks!

It's a...
On June 26th, we had our first ultrasound. I always said I would find out the sex of our first child and then be surprised for the birth of our second. Well, John was the opposite...he didn't want to know so I convinced myself to let it be a surprise the day the baby was born. Then one night, John came home from work and told me he was stressed out by not knowing the baby's gender! I was easily swayed back into knowing and at our ultrasound we found out that we are having a healthy baby BOY! My gut feeling was boy all along and I have every "old wives tale" that leads to boy! The Chinese Gender Predictor also said boy, so I can't say I was surprised when they confirmed it! We told John's parents and family by getting a cake with pink flowers and writing but it said "It's a Boy!". It totally threw them off! We told my Dad by giving him a blanket that says "Future Ford Fanatic" because my Dad loves cars, especially Ford's!

Well that is it (so far) in a nutshell!!! I will try to post regularily and keep this site updated with news and pics!

Take Care

Kerri, John & Baby KJ